Our Charities
Support a child to recover
$ 50 = helps provide one-on-one specialised therapeutic counselling for a child who has experienced family violence.
Every night in Australia 46,000 children can’t sleep in their own beds because they are at risk of being abused or neglected. In one-on-one therapeutic counseling, children are supported to understand the abuse was not their fault and they are worthy of love. Holding children in strong relationships, they come to trust their connection with caring people as a source of nurturing and comfort, not hurt and betrayal.

Prevent women dying
$ 25 = Will support researchers to uncover new drug targets for chemo-resistant breast cancer
Breast cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer in Australia. 1 in 7 women will be diagnosed in their lifetime, and 8 Australian women lose their life every day. The National Breast Cancer Foundation (NBCF) is Australia’s leading national body funding game-changing breast cancer research to create a better tomorrow for all those impacted.

Protect a woman
$ 50 = provides a hot meal and a safe, comfortable place to stay for one night
In this current COVID-19 crisis, Women's Community Shelters is experiencing a 25% increase in inquiries for safe accommodation for women and children who are homeless or escaping domestic violence. Existing services were already at full capacity, with more than 50% of women seeking shelter turned away due to a lack of beds. Across Australia, around 56,000 women are homeless each night, many with young children. Now, there are many more. Women unable to access shelters are left vulnerable, disconnected from community and support networks.